Thursday, April 29, 2010

Never Have a “Bad Day at Work” Again!

So many people are videotaping bad days at work and putting them on youtube or other popular websites. In fact, when I looked this morning, there were hundreds of hours of tapes of co workers flipping out at work and doing crazy stuff! Here is a funny example of what I am [...]

Saturday, April 24, 2010

To Thine Own Self Be True

OK, So I wasn’t able to write anything yesterday, I was traveling to visit my sister for her birthday. Coincidentally, her birthday is on the same day as William Shakespeare’s birthday, so I always remember that. It got me thinking about Shakespeare and some of his plays, and one of my favorite quotes [...]

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Making Weaknesses strengths part two

So, here’s the rest of the story from yesterday:
Danny and I went to a conference in Puerto Rico last year and listened to a speaker named Neil Peterson. He is a man from South Africa who sailed around the world in a competition with a homemade boat. He talked about how arduous the [...]

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Making Your Weaknesses Your Strengths

Well, I know that it is super late and I could be watching a movie, but I just finished doing an auction to send our youth to camp this year, and this has been an all day deal. It was a great success, and I was fortunate to be apart of something so great! [...]

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do You Live Your Life With Intention?

So, Danny and I were talking this morning and the conversation turned to intentions. Danny said that as he got up yesterday morning and took his shower and got ready for the day and spent time on his “intentions”. He focused on things that he wanted to accomplish today, made a plan [...]

Monday, April 19, 2010

Be a part of a Positive Community

Many of you know that Danny and I do personal development everyday, and with Danny and I separated, we also have been talking every morning together to get our brains thinking in a positive light. You see, the more that you get up and have a positive experience, or a nugget of wisdom, the [...]

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Prime yourself to be Happy

As many of you know, Danny and I run a personal development business from home. What many of you may not realize is that we attend many personal development events with some amazing keynote speakers. One of my favorites happens to be a name that you will not recognize- Shawn Achor. He [...]